St Jude's in Parkville

St Jude's in Parkville meets on Sundays at 10am and 5pm, at 170 The Avenue, Parkville (Ridley Melbourne).

We welcome everyone who would like to join with us. We seek to know God through Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. We're made up of lots of people who are already followers of Jesus, but also many people who come along are still exploring what they believe. We have people of many different ages and at many different stages of life, but lots of us are in our 20s or 30s, unmarried and working.

Thinking faith

We value a thoughtful, reflective and intellectually robust faith. We often have open Q&A times as part of our church meetings and encourage people to ask big questions and understand why we believe and do the things we do.

Loving community

We’re also passionate about being a loving community. We work hard at being open and welcoming to visitors and newcomers – especially people who live in the inner north of Melbourne, where lots of us come from. We have more than a dozen small fellowship groups that meet throughout the week in the homes of our members. We often eat together after our church services. We have an active social network and we're committed to caring for each other in times of need.


Our 10am service includes groups for preschool and primary school kids, as well as a creche. Our 5pm service does not have kids' groups, although anyone is welcome at either service!

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